Welcome Back 2015-2016 Panthers!!

Dear Students and Parents,
Welcome to the brand new 2015-2016 school year at Westpine Middle School.  New years are always a little scary, but a lot of fun because its the perfect opportunity to make it whatever you want and start a brand new chapter in your life.  Remember: education is not just about getting good grades (which I'm sure you'll all do!) but its also about learning about yourself, your passions, achieving new goals, and writing your own history.  So my question to you is what will this next chapter look like for you?  Challenge yourself everyday, dream big, and bring a positive attitude with you everywhere you go and success will be yours.  Whether its straight A's, being captain of the team your own, or finally joining that club you always wanted go after it this year and anything could be yours.  See you all very soon and I hope you're as excited as I am to be here!  

**For an extra credit grade already please tell me in the comment section what success means to you this year or tell us how excited you are for the new year.(FYI:  I approve every comment so don't be surprised if it doesn't show up immediately)


  1. thank you Mr.Brown that is a very insperational paragraph and i will .

  2. Hi Mr.Brown doing this for extra credit, just kidding, ty Kristen First Period
