A Guide to American Democracy Project

Origins of Democracy Project:  Due Friday 10/19

Using your resources and creativity you will create some type of creative guide to the Foundations of Democracy.  Your choices are as follows:

-A travel brochure to American Democracy
-Playing Cards to American Democracy
-Other approved by teacher*

Your project must include:
  1. A title page introducing main idea:
  2. 4 topics (see below)
  3. A Conclusion Page (Summary)

From the topics you can choose the following:
  • Enlightenment Thinkers  (John Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Thomas Hobbes, Voltaire,Thomas Paine)
  • Enlightenment Documents (Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, Mayflower Compact, Two Treatises, Common Sense, Spirit of Laws)

A- Project is a creative organized representation of all requirements.  Each topic explains what it was, and how it influenced American Democracy. Project includes Title page or card, Conclusion, and 4 separate topics.
B- Project is a creative organized representation of most requirements.  Each topic explains what it was, and how it influenced American Democracy. Project includes at least 4 separate topics.
C-Project is a creative representation of most requirements.  Each topic explains how it influenced American Democracy. Project includes at least 4 separate topics.
D-F  Project is missing topics, is not creative, and\or does include how the documents influenced American Democracy.

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