Civics Binders Due Monday 2/29!!!

Make sure your binder's contain the following for Monday!!

1.  Table of Contents
2.  Grade Sheet
3.  Monthly Calendar
4.  ID's
4a.  ID Sentences
4b.  ID Quiz
4c.  ID Quiz Makeup

5a.  Why do we have democrats and republicans
5b.  Political Cartoons/ Debate: Federal Aid
5c.  Importance of Voting

6a.  Political Parties
6b.  Propaganda
6c.  Voting and Elections

7a.  Party Platforms
7b.  Election Day Questions
7c.  Guiding Questions

8a.  Reflections 183-184

9a.  Political Parties
9b.  Who Can Vote
9c.  Election Day Web
9d.  Electing a President
9e.  Public Opinion


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