3rd EOC Review: Charters of Freedom due Monday 3/28

Click here for the words and definitions!

This week's word list:
  1. Founding Fathers
  2. Declaration of Independence
  3. Natural Law
  4. Social Contract
  5. Grievance
  6. He/For  (Who are they talking about?)
  7. Taxation without representation
  8. The Articles of Confederation
  9. Confederation 
  10. Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
  11. Shay's Rebellion
  12. Constitutional Convention
  13. Great Compromise
  14. 3/5ths Compromise
  15. Framers/ Father of the Constitution
  16. Federal System
  17. Supremacy Clause
  18. Preamble
  19. Articles
  20. Amendments
  21. Federalists
  22. Anti-Federalists
  23. Constitution
  24. Checks and Balances

To print out the worksheet click here!!

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